Wednesday, November 5, 2008

thoughts on week 10

I’m sorry, but I have to say…the first article was terribly difficult to read, let alone take anything away from it. Perhaps it is because I am distracted by things going on around me, or it truly was a dry article, but all I could think of while I was reading it was Charlie Brown. I felt like I was in the classroom with the Peanuts gang listening to the teacher talk. Mwah mwah mwha mwah… That’s all I heard.

The second article was better. I at least understood what it was about. There are definite connections between computer scientists and librarians. I see that first hand at work. My library classes aren’t just learning the DDC anymore. In fact, the whole course is called Library Science whereas 10 years ago, the only Science you found was in the lab. All the committees that involve technology, I have to be a part of. It makes me laugh, sometimes, because I could be sitting in the library and someone is having a problem with a computer and they ask me what’s wrong with it. Like I know! But they assume I do because I am the librarian. Imagine that!

I agree with one point in the third article about concerns with institutional repositories. I do think that some may come to expect immediate gratification, so to speak, with them. But as with anything else that is new, it needs to be created, tested, and have the kinks worked out. Those campus communities that feel they should have this immediate repository may feel slighted if they do not receive that immediate gratification, but how much more upset would they be if they received it, and it “broke”?

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