Wednesday, November 5, 2008

muddiest point week 10

My muddiest point this week is assignment 6. I have created my website, I folowed all the steps in the tutorial to use Filezilla and although it says that all my work is there, I go to my link and it says I am not authorized to view the page. I created the page! Who else would have better authorization?? I will try a few other things that some friends have suggested, but in the end, i have to wonder how many points I would get taken off if I just posted my link to where I DO have authorization to view it and not put it through the Pitt server.

1 comment:

Daqing said...

you sometimes have to change the permission of your files so that others can read it therefore your pages can be displayed online. in filezilla, you can right mouse click on the files at the university side, then change the permision to allow others to read your files.

This should help